Episode 6

Phase 1 of the Match

Published on: 22nd August, 2020

We are joined by Drs. Lauren Butler and Jacob Calahan, both PGY1 residents at Huntsville Hospital.

Once interviews are completed, candidates and programs rank their programs. Program ranking is just putting your preference from greatest to least into the online National Matching Services (NMS) site. Candidates can rank all or none of the programs they interviewed at. They can even rank programs they did not interview at, but that would be pointless as those programs would not be ranking you in return. Programs also can rank all or none of candidates that interviewed. After the ranking deadline, which is usually beginning of March, the NMS runs an algorithm (very simple algorithm) that matches candidates. The Match algorithm is based on candidate preference, but even if it was not, it would usually result the same based on tests the NMS has done. You can see exactly how the algorithm works HERE on the NMS website.

Several years ago, the match went from a single phase process to a multi-phase process. After the initial match, candidates would enter the "Scramble" where there were guidelines, but not real rules to getting a residency position. The thought behind this was change was to give more oversight to the process after the initial phase. Some programs may have also intentionally skipped the match or purposefully ranked no candidates so they could control the interview and hiring process similar to how all other recruitment is done in the real world. There is criticism that the new Multi-phased system is taking advantage of candidates and increasing the amount of money candidates have to pay to participate.

The new Match consists of Phase I, the initial match, where programs and candidates rank each other and go through a matching algorithm.

Phase II is basically an abbreviated version of the initial match, with a very short interview period and matching process.

After Phase II is the "Post-match Phase II match process" which is essentially the Scramble. In the last few years, the new Scramble has not had much to scramble to as the majority of programs are filled between Phase I and Phase II.

You can see the time-line for the Match HERE.

Results are now released on a Wednesday morning at 8:00 a.m. EST, but have historically released on a Friday. Programs who have unfilled positions are released at 12:00 p.m. EST that day. You can see all the stats on the NMS website.

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AUHSOP Post-Graduate Training Elective
AUHSOP Post-Graduate Training Elective
Clinical pharmacists talk about ways to prepare for post-graduate training and the process of application.

About your hosts

Taylor Steuber

Profile picture for Taylor Steuber
Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice. Completed a PGY1/PGY2 Pharmacotherapy Residency at Indiana University Health/Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Interests include internal medicine, infectious diseases, cardiology, post-graduate training preparation, and making podcasts.

Sean Smithgall

Profile picture for Sean Smithgall
Assistant Clinical Professor at Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy. Completed a PGY1 pharmacotherapy residency at Geisinger Medical Center and a PGY2 ambulatory care residency at East Tennnessee State University, Gatton College of Pharmacy. Interests include family medicine, post-graduate training preparation, and making podcasts.